Friday, March 6, 2009

IITS Field Guide: Ecology of the Behemoth, Part II

(click to enlarge)

Surprise update! It's Part II of the Behemoth Ecology! (cue sound of crickets) I can almost hear the collective sigh of the readers as they realize the update doesn't have Kayli in it. Soon, loyal readers...soon. Anyway, if you haven't noticed already, the quickest way to get Islands in the Sky news (if you're not already following the blog) is to check the info right below the IITS logo at the top of the page. As you can see, we'll have our store open and launch the first web strip on Monday. Have a great weekend, everyone!


  1. These field guide entries are awesome! I wonder, will the species known as Kayli ever make it to the guide?


  2. Hey Sparky, Kayli will definitely be featured in future field guides, including the one about tattoos I mentioned in the latest one. Kayli's body tattoos are more than just a means of expression. When applied using the right rituals and ingredients, a talented tattoo artist can amplify the wearers natural abilities. More later!
