Monday, December 7, 2009

Win a "Snowball War" Print!

Hey IITS Readers,

As soon as Genevieve sends me the pictures from the Mighty Nomad Gallery, I'm going to post them here but...medium story short, we had a great time and met lots of cool people! However, I also wanted to let our readers know that we're going to hold a contest sometime this week and the winner will receive a free 19"x13" print of the IITS Snowball War signed by keep watching this space for the contest! Hint: Your creativity and knowledge of IITS will be challenged! Be prepared!

- Joseph


  1. Woohoo! That is great news! It seems like the 2 of you have a good time and meet lots of nice peeps~ I think it has something to do with your outlook and friendliness, I know its what pulled me in... that and the eye candy of a cardboard cutout that you had~ Be lookin' out for tha contest. Damn its cold, snow on the mountains though. This is WINTER!!!!

  2. How did the Mighty Nomad Gallery go anyway? Seems like things went over pretty smoothly :)

    Wait, wait, what's this? Creativity? Knowledge? Contest? Print!? Ooh, I'd loooove to have that. I'm anxious (:

  3. I'd love to get my hands on a copy of that piece, I look forward to this contest!
