It was pretty quiet in the first hour or so, with just a few people coming in and quietly appreciating the works...but as the night went on, we got a pretty good crowd in. A lot of really talented animated film industry people, friends and family, and some game developers too. Though I'm not in the industry, it was very inspiring to talk to some of these Dreamworks veterans who were so nice and gave us such great insight into their work and companies. I'll let Genevieve share her own thoughts and feelings but I think it's fair to say that she was fairly starstruck by some of the talent in attendance. =)
The pieces on the display were a great mix of styles. Since so many of those showing at the gallery were animators, there was A LOT of character stuff and all of it was great. There were also some memorable scenery pieces that looked like they were plucked right out of a classic 2D feature. Genevieve was humbled to be in the presence of so many talented artists but I was proud that her piece was able to stand up with the best of them.
I didn't mingle as much as Genevieve but her gallery piece was right next to the snack table so I gorged myself with junk food in order to surreptitiously overhear the candid comments of people viewing her "Snowball War". Here are some of the anonymous comments:
- "There are so many little stories in it..."
- "It's really fun and festive!"
- "It's sooo funny!"
- "Who is this creepy Asian guy standing next to us?"
- "Is he even going to wipe his mouth after that handful of Chex Mix? Gross."
...oh and here are the pics!
That's Genevieve's head right above his shoulder.
"Hey, baby...I'm a comic book writer," does NOT get you chicks.
Tang Heng (5th) with his fiancee' Noelle Triaureau (4th).
He got the good looks and I got...hmmm, well...he got the good looks.
The contest prize is the larger version you see on the right there.
Tuna awesomely gave her gallery piece to Genevieve!
after the show was almost packed up. Thanks, guys!
P.S. The contest details will be posted on the blog in a day or two so if you want a chance to win that print, check back later this week!
- Joseph
- Joseph
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