Monday, May 11, 2009

Super Excited About Super-Con!

Super-Con will likely have a smaller attendance than WonderCon but Genevieve and I always look forward to new opportunities to expand our audience and show people our work. For our existing readers, sorry...we're going to still just have Issue 1 for sale. We want to share a bit of good news though...we sold the rest of our second print run of the comic on Free Comic Day so the print run for Super-Con and Fanime will be our third reorder. Thanks to all of you who have been helping to spread the word about our work. If you're gonna be at Super-Con anyway, please drop by our booth...we'd love to see you!

Super-Con is this coming weekend, May 16th and 17th at the San Jose Convention Center, South Hall. Click on the link to their site for info.

Hope to see you there!

P.S. If you have our Free Comic Day brochure, don't forget to bring it in for a 20% discount off one of our prints!

- Joseph