Tuesday, June 15, 2010

IITS and Comic-Con 2010!

Hey Everyone!

I got some great news to share...we were approved at the last minute for a table at Comic-Con 2010! Genevieve and I will do our best to switch gears and create some new content for our readers for this Comic-Con even though we were thinking we'd only be at APE this year for our final 2010 show. The table fee has been mailed, hotels and flights booked, and things are looking great for us at Comic-Con International 2010! See y'all there!

Hey, look! APB Kayli and her 20 foot tall statue heard the news too and they're super pumped!

- Joseph


  1. Dude! This is freakin' great news!!! Congrats on the table yo! I hope this year both of you guys can surf the con a bit more and meet many new fans as well as connect with familiar faces~ Unfortunately, its not in the cards for me to attend Comic Con this year so I won't get to see you guys<:( Nonetheless, I'm gonna stalk the crap out of cosplayers and celebrities via the interwebs and ask my friends who are going to take pics(including you guys if you can). I really hope you guys have a great SDCC 2010 as its power level is OVER 9000!!!!! Peace out~

  2. Hope to see you there! What table are you at? Maybe we'll be right across from each other again this year. That'd be cool.

  3. Awww...not gonna be the same without you, Hamasuki, but thanks for your words of encouragement! We'll try to post more con pics of what we see.

    Hey, Zorilita...long time no see! =) we're a bit further from you this year, but we'll be sure to drop by to say "Hi!" Good luck and seeya at the show.

    - Joseph

  4. This is great news, especially since I couldn't visit you guys at Fanime. Will definitely stop by and (hopefully) be lucky enough to get a sketch! Hope you have a super successful con and keep spreading the word on IITS awesomeness.

  5. Hey Trev,

    Thanks...we're hoping this'll be another great Comic-Con for us!

  6. Hope you have a great time at Comic-Con.

    Sadly I was unable to obtain a ticket to SDCC this year, but I'll still be in the area while it's going on.

    Guess I'll drive by it a few times that weekend, in hope of seeing both of you, as bitter tears run down my face.


  7. Awww...that sucks, Zac. Hope something comes up that allows you to get in. Don't worry, we'll see you at the next show that comes around. =)

  8. Fantastic you made it to SDCC! I'll make sure to pop by and say high to you both! So what new goodies are you going to able to show? How about some more of those damn cool fridge magnets?

  9. Hey Stephen!

    SDCC blindsided us this year so while we always have something in the works, we can't confirm anything just right now. It'll be cool to see you at the show!
